


  • bring home the bacon: earn money for the family 赚钱养家
  • Eg: Suzy has been bringing home the bacon for years. She’s the only one with a job in her family.
  • He worked hard all week to bring home the bacon for his family.

  • from rags to riches:from poverty to wealth 脱贫致富,白手起家
  • Eg: She used to be homeless, but now she’s a millionaire! She went from rags to riches!

  • to pour money down the drain: to waste money 把钱打水漂了/付诸东流,浪费钱财
  • Eg: After payday, I always seem to pour my money down the drain. I waste it on all sorts of useless stuff!

  • go Dutch: paying for his or her own ticket, food, etc. 聚会,吃饭等AA制,各付各的
  • Eg: I'll go Dutch with you on the movie if you want.


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